Is this the right place for you?
- Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with THINGS AND TASKS?
- Do you aspire to make better use of your TIME?
- Do you ever feel the frustration of stagnation, yearning for ways to achieve joyful growth and change?
If so, you are warmly welcomed to walk with me one step at a time, one wish at a time, from A to Be.
Hi, my name is Sunyata, and I am here to share with you my experience and ongoing journey toward a more “user-friendly” life experience.
My wish is that this website will help you make your journey of life and doing more comfortable and more productive.
I will offer you valuable insights, practical tips, and ideas about how to deal with mess and clutter and cope better with procrastination. I will share ways to tackle the sometimes overwhelming task of living in a way that moves things forward with a loving approach toward oneself.
I am passionate about discovering new methods to make life more “user-friendly.” But what I love even more is sharing these ideas with others.
I’ve collected the knowledge you will find here for years (since 2004). It was gathered by helping people and myself to get things done and to create better living/working spaces and more efficient life habits.
My inspiration is to be your companion in creating order out of chaos. Your partner in learning how to find peaceful, productive structures that will help us fill time and space with more joy and personal fulfillment.
Experimental lab of procrastination and clutter – My workplace
In my work, I help people with their mess and procrastinated todos.
I am not a coach, but rather doing together with my clients whatever they want or need to do – things that they either can’t or don’t want to do alone.
I come to their home or office, and together we sort things out. If we deal with physical clutter, I help them see what they can release and we re-arrange the space. If we tend to papers and tasks, we make order into the lists and files, and we take care of what’s needed, including setting into motion big projects and small wishes.
While doing that, we also find tailor-made solutions that will allow the outcome to last and make their lives easier.
Many of my clients call it “putting order into life.”
After so many years of this work (since 2005), I can compare it to being in a lab researching clutter and procrastination.
The people I met were not just “telling me about it” as we do in a therapy session. They actually handed me the raw material of their stuckness so-to-speak.
And in this fascinating lab, we experimented, aiming at finding the best ways to move from A to Be, creating a better flow that is costume-made.
From this fascinating lab, the website and blog were born.
Stepping from A to Be – The website and the blog
This blog was written for years: inside me and through conversations with my clients.
Thanks to so many (brave) people who opened the doors to their personal mess and their unattended todo lists, letting me be part of their process of change, my “lab” flowered. I was also always grateful because whatever my clients were dealing with, was also my own challenge that I was learning to embrace and to transform. So it was a mutual process – by helping them, I was helping myself and vice versa.
Today I feel that I have “absolute hearing” for procrastination and mess, but also a firm knowing that we can always untangle the clutter and move from chaos to clarity.
It’s time to spread it out.
The advises and knowledge that I share in this blog are coming from this “lab’s experience.” I will always write about my actual experience: what I saw that is working (or not working) for different people – myself included;
I tried many methods and ideas – some I learned from all kinds of interesting people (I will give the credits) and some I came up with by myself.
I will write about many subjects that cover all aspects of our life – whatever I find worthy. You can see the categories on the home page.
I will always try to give a “call to action” and offer something practical – not just insights.
My wish is that this blog will not be an escaping-activity (what, did you think I do not know this trick?), and instead, it will help (all of us) to step from A to Be.
The website and future services
My vision for this website is that it will be like an experienced friend that will be at your side, no matter what your goals are, and I will add more features to it with time.
One of the most excellent motivational tools is “togetherness” – which can turn an “impossible mission” into an enjoyable experience. In my experience, this togetherness is a fundamental key to unlocking doors of stagnation and is highly supportive when we want to cross over different challenges. I aim to bring this element as much as I can through this website and the online services that I will offer soon.
Shall we take the first step?
About Me
And my ongoing journey to improve my stepping from A to Be
A few “dry” (but sometimes interesting) details
I was born and raised in Israel and currently live a little north of Tel-Aviv in a beautiful small studio in front of a large field. Every winter, I travel to India for several months at a time to participate in silent seclusions.
If you are interested in western astrology, I am a Taurus with Capricorn rising. If you know Human Design, I am a 4/6 Reflector. I love baking, the ocean, watching good movies (preferably at the cinema), and savoring fine wines and strong beers.
I exercise a lot as it does me a world of good even though sometimes I do have to push myself to start 🙂
My Journey in the Land of Mess
From messy child to organized (but still a little messy) adult
Today I am both organized and a bit messy. I used to be mostly messy. My mother is amused by the fact that I chose to be a professional organizer. As a child, my room was always untidy, and I used to lose my house key all the time. However, I was always organized in my head and had the ability early on to see the whole picture. I felt a kind of dissonance between these two aspects of me. I believe this led me to do what I do today.
After years of practice and trial and error, I have learned how to have a good and balanced relationship with Mess. My house is not a museum, but it is organized, I know where everything is, and I do not have any “deep clutter.” In my view, a little mess can be OK.
For example, I have one place for receipts and don’t care that they are not arranged in any particular way. What’s realistic for me is simply being able to access them quickly when the time comes for accounting.
Another example is my clothes. Most of them are either hung up or sorted in small baskets (because I don’t like to fold).
By nature, I am not an organized person in regards to space (my mother certainly can attest to this point). But I have learned to be well organized in my environment in a way that suits me.
I continue to explore ways to make my physical space more efficient and comfortable, because I understand how much of a positive effect it has on my mood, energy, motivation, and inspiration.
From a clear space to clarity and flow in the todo list
Like many, I procrastinate things and can get overwhelmed by the demands of life; and also with my aspirations.
It’s more challenging to solve the problem of procrastination and get inspired when our space is cluttered. However, a good organization does not guarantee that we can close the gap between wanting something and making it happen. We also have to learn how to prioritize our time and organize our todo lists.
I have often wondered what the secret is of people whose time seems always to be perfectly organized and maximized. These types of people manage to wonderfully combine the things that they must do with the things they want to do.
At some point, I realized that I am different. I may never be like these types of people, but I can learn to create more harmony instead of feeling swamped.
How it all began?
The idea for my business was conceived in India at the end of my wintertime there. I sat by the ocean, and I knew I needed a change when I go back to the west. I was looking for a problem or a need that I could answer and thought I could help people organize their homes or offices. It was a long time ago, long before a “professional organizer” became an official profession like it is nowadays.
When I shared it with some friends, most of them thought it is unlikely that people will let a stranger into their messy houses. But I felt that if one is fed up with one’s mess, he or she will dare to reach out for help. And so it was.
Incidentally, the original name for the business came together with the idea, without any process of thinking about it – I called it (in Hebrew) “Gamad Lehascara” which means something like “a gnome/elf for rent.” Funny how it was as if downloaded to me. I guess the inspiration came from the fairy tale ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ by the Grimm Brothers, where little elves came to help the shoemaker. And maybe also because elves or gnomes are earth-archetypes which symbolize being grounded – what order helps us achieve.
Maybe also because many of us have this secret wish that some angelic kind beings will come to rescue us from our problems :).
At first, I was only tidying up houses and offices – both stuff and papers – only together with my clients (not “for” them). Over the years it expanded to dealing with procrastinated tasks and time management and helping people set their wishes into motion.
In the beginning, I was mainly interested in heavily cluttered spaces, where the change was immense and unrecognizable when we finished.
I met people who were sleeping on garbage (literally) and ended up with a clean and welcoming bedroom.
I arrived at houses where there was no exposed floor left, and together, we managed to turn it into a loving home again.
I encountered people who lost loved ones in tragic ways. We gathered the deceased’s belongings, that were still scattered all around, into beautiful boxes. It helped them move on.
It was always an intimate and profound process.
Nowadays, I mainly help my clients to deal with bureaucracy, get the money that belongs to them, save better, and un-stuck old tasks.
I also help businesses finding more efficient ways to organize their days and materials.
I sometimes work with those who are about to leave this world to put their affairs in order.
But I still also engage in clearing clutter and prepare for a move or renovation, making the new place organized in a thoughtful and easy-to-keep-tidy way.
I never worked with someone who was not ready and could tell by the first conversation on the phone if it is the right time.
Most of the professional organizers say that they were always the tidiest among their friends and family and kept tidying up messy closets and spaces for everyone.
For me, it is different, as I come from the same place as my clients and it helps me to understand them. I go into a messy house, or a list of delayed tasks, and I have no judgment because I know it very well. What guides me is looking for what is possible and realistic rather than the ideal – which usually does not last long.
In my work, my goal is not only getting the most out of our day but making it joyful.
There is a huge sense of relief when the mess gets organized, and the fog disappears. Then, clear space and clarity take over and open the door for the next step (even if it is a tiny one).
I feel so grateful for being a part of the process my clients go through. I am always learning with them, feeling that by doing what we do, we all feel more at ease, inspired, and joyful in this journey we call Life.
English is not my mother tongue, and yet I decided to write a blog in English, so I can step out of my “comfort” zone, step out of miniature Israel and reach out to more people. So please bear with me if it is not perfect – I will become better and am committed to learning 🙂
I feel it is better to move forward and learn as I go; otherwise, it would never happen.
I hope and believe that even if it is a bit squeaky at times, it will also inspire you to go for your dreams even if you are not 100% ready from the start.
As I see it, there is pleasure in finding a way that fits us to move from A to Be.
Thank you in advance!
Client’s Stories
Copyright and sharing
All my material is free for you to quote and publish – you can even copy a whole section,
but please always combine it with referring to my blog.
I am happy that your audience will enjoy and benefit, and I trust you to be fair.
Affiliate transparency
I love recommending things I find to be worthy.
Sometimes I am also a part of an affiliate program,
and when you subscribe or buy something through the links I shared,
I may get a commission.
BUT – I only recommend when I believe in the product/service/person,
and you will pay the same (or even less) when you use my links.
I must say that I love this option that we have nowadays on the internet
and I love that those whose recommendations I use get some benefit from it also.
Still, I love transparency, so I added this note.
BTW – you can always go and find the source on your own and not use my links.
Social Media
I am not on social media. I stopped being active on Facebook,
and now I have a non-active page only for groups I sometimes want to check.
I felt it is causing me to waste too much time in a way that is not pleasant for me.
“Wasting” time is essential! But I believe it also needs to be in a way that supports us.
Other social media – likewise. It may change in the future (although unlikely),
but for now, I feel that high-value content is enough to reach the right people –
especially if my audience is a bit like me.
I am happy if you feel like sharing in these media as I do appreciate the beauty in them.
So that you know that I will not be able to respond on Facebook, or “share back” your pages/business.