and make friends with our to-do lists.
This website is a basket full of insights and practical bits of advice on how to make your journey of living and doing more “user-friendly.” It is here for you to take.
It is my wish that by visiting here, you will get empowered,
inspired and motivated to take your next steps
from your A to your Be (one wish at a time).


- Sunyata
- February 28, 2020

- Sunyata
- October 1, 2019

- Sunyata
- September 30, 2019

- Sunyata
- August 29, 2019
and accumulate less clutter in the first place.
Doubtful? Listen to this series and try it out yourself!

- Sunyata
- August 26, 2019

Befriending Our ToDo-Lists
If you struggle with your ToDo-Lists, finding yourself serving them instead of them helping you; But also if you simply want to reach a better flow, being both more efficient and more relaxed – This series will help you make friends with your lists.
1st Step to Be
Join the list
Did you ever wish
for little gnomes to come helping you with your to-do lists and living space?
My mails are just like them! Let them help you move from clutter to clarity.
*I will always protect your email and will never share it.
*You can easily unsubscribe at any time

?טודוליסט – יריבה או חברה
איך להתיידד עם רשימות – פוסט ראשון בסדרה
- Sunyata
- | 05/13/2021

הדחיינומטר: כלי שימושי לימי-ספירלה
(כשיש לנו התנגדות לעשות שמובילה לדחיינות ותסכול)
- Sunyata
- | 04/23/2021

איך לחוש סיפוק שאינו תלוי הספק
- Sunyata
- | 01/03/2021

?האם אתם מכירים את אומנות העצירה
עצירה חשובה להתקדמות
- Sunyata
- | 12/14/2020

פוסט מתעדכן על הטבות בזמן קורונה וכל מיני עדכונים כלכליים
עדכון אחרון: 17.12.20
- Sunyata
- | 12/08/2020
Client’s Stories